
my promise to you

I believe that you have the resources and potential in you in order to create the career or life you want

I will listen to you with openness and without judgment

I am your sounding board and mirror, I will reflect back to you what I see to help you learn and grow

I am fully committed to your learning process and I will support you and challenge you to help you grow and find your own way to your goals

I will hold you accountable for the actions you commit to, and will support you as you learn from these

I adhere to the “100% – 100% rule”: I commit 100% to your process, and I know that you can only benefit fully from our relationship if you also commit 100% to it

Most importantly, I will hold our relationship as well as anything that happens during our discussions entirely confidential

commitment to lifelong learning

I have earned qualifications with the world’s top coach-training organisations and institutions and I believe that personal growth is a lifelong process. I practice what I preach and continually invest in my own professional development and learning.


I am committed to excellence in the work I deliver. I am accredited by the world’s leading coaching body, the International Coach Federation (ICF), where I am an active board member of the Luxembourg Chapter.


Like all professional coaches, I benefit from regular supervison sessions with my own qualified coach. This way, I keep learning myself and ensure that I also continue to grow professionally.


I adhere to the strict code of ethics and conduct established by the International Coach Federation (ICF).
Different thinking. Tangible change.