Leadership Development is not an event.
John C. Agno
how it works
The structure and length of a coaching programme can vary, but we usually work together between 3-8 months.
Initial Discovery Session to clarify objectives and expectations
The first step to any coaching programme always consists in clarifying the main areas you want to develop, the outcome you wish to achieve, and how you will know that you have met these. For this, we usually meet for 1.5 – 2 hourswhere we discuss and get to know each other better. This first session is also where we will establish the ground rules or “contract” for our relationship and clarify mutual expectations. We then set out the coaching objectives, outcomes and measures in a written Coaching Agreement.Learning process supported through diagnostic instruments
Depending on the nature of our agreement, we might decide to use a variety of coaching methodologies, tools and approaches in order to enhance and speed up your learning process. This usually will take place during the first part of our coaching relationship so that we can use the outcomes and learnings from these methodologies and refer back to them later on.Ongoing coaching discussions
We will meet every 3-4 weeks until the end of the agreed coaching assignment. These meetings can take place either in person, per phone or per skype – depending on your preference. For in-person meetings, we either meet in conference rooms at your offices or at a convenient offsite location.Checking in half-way and integration
We typically review progress mid-way through the programme and again at the end. At the last coaching meeting, we will evaluate the overall progress and agree on how you will sustain what you have learned.general stages of the coaching process

coaching programms
There are a number of standard coaching programmes available:executive
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You have no idea what an breakthrough the Mind Access IQ is for me! As a result of this new information, I called my best friend in New York … he was as amazed and excited as I am! – :) Kari ,Sales Manager, SeattleDucimend isitate libusanis et aut aut hiciusdant maxim cor autatatio cusam et a consequundam aut rehendit ipid exerum am sinum fuga.
od quid modit eveles ad quatur, qui num res sus velisque vel endenditi dessit, que incto bea doloriore ea voluptate pro que volupta spiduci pidenec tatibus, arion nihil et, ut in nos qui coresti debitatur sit vero que nimus assim et que cuptatiat fuga. Et omnisit quam, sae liquibust, odis inisitia porem voloriscia dolum delecabor aut omniatur adipsaped et quis nimende stibusam num quae rem rae sapid magnietum qui sit quis de asperro viditium am debit.crossroad
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You have no idea what an breakthrough the Mind Access IQ is for me! As a result of this new information, I called my best friend in New York … he was as amazed and excited as I am! – :) Kari ,Sales Manager, SeattleDucimend isitate libusanis et aut aut hiciusdant maxim cor autatatio cusam et a consequundam aut rehendit ipid exerum am sinum fuga.