The important thing about
a problem is not its solution,
but the strength we gain
in finding the solution.


Sometimes, teams need a “fresh view”, a different opinion, and someone who helps them structure their own thinking process, challenging them to go further.

Sometimes, teams do not have the knowledge or the resources to deal with change, and they need someone to hold their people accountable, supporting them in implementing the “bigger picture” which otherwise would get drowned in the “day-to-day”.

Based on my experience leading large groups, I offer facilitation services for the following types of events:
  • “Offsites” and other team events, supporting teams at all levels in becoming clear about what is next for them – and helping them implement their decisions
  • Strategy or culture workshops aiming at aligning boards or senior teams towards a new vision – and supporting them in embedding these in their organisations
  • Support in negotiations or conflict resolutions within teams
  • Conference design and facilitation
I generally aim to use a “coach-like” facilitation approach which supports groups of people in really feeling empowered and responsible for their own process.

The exact methodology will, of course, vary, depending on the requirements of your project.
Different thinking. Tangible change.